E X H I B I T I O N S............
20 h  Art klub Kulturnog centra Novog Sada
Izložba fotografija Aleksandra Plačkova
8:00 p.m.  Art Club, Cultural Centre of Novi Sad
Photograph Exhibition of Aleksandar Plačkov
Rođen je 1961. godine u Novom Sadu. Višu tehničku školu završio u Tel-Avivu, Izrael.
Fotografiju radio za novine, časopise, Novosadski sajam…
Bio je fotograf Sineoptika i Muzeja grada Novog Sada.
Ovo mu je V samostalna izložba jazz-fotografije, omaž jugoslovenskim džezerima.
Born 1961 in Novi Sad. Finished Higher technical school in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Produced photographs for newspapers, magazines , Novi Sad Fair…
Also worked as a photographer for Sineoptic and Novi Sad Town Museum.
This is his fifth solo exhibition of jazz photographs, an homage to Yugoslav jazzers.
na sajtu Festivala nalazi se preko 60 fotografija Aleksandra Plačkova domaćih i inostranih jazz muzičara on the Festival Web Site there is more than 60 photos of Yugoslav and foreign jazzers taken by Alexandar Plackov

izlozbe - exhibitions - izlozbe - exhibitions - izlozbe - exhibitions - izlozbe - exhibitions - izlozbe - exhibitions - izlozbe - exhibitions - izlozbe
19 h STUDIO “M”, Hol, prizemlje
Otvaranje izložbe STRIPA

autora časopisa “STRIP PRESS”, Niš
(Izdavač, Studentski informativno-izdavački centar, Niš)
7:00 p.m. STUDIO “M”, lobby, ground floor
STRIP Exhibition opening

authors of the magazine “STRIP PRESS”, Niš
(Publisher, Student’s informative and publishing centre, Niš)
Strip Pressing predstavlja specijalno izdanje studentskog lista grada Niša Pressing, koji izdaje Niški Studentsko Informativno Izdavački Centar. Prvi broj Strip Pressinga ugledao je svetlost dana početkom leta 2001. godine, donoseći uglavnom radove mlađih i(ili) neafirmisanih autora, kako onih iz grada Niša tako i iz svih delova Jugoslavije. Magazin je svoje stranice ravnopravno ustupio kako stripu glavnog toka tako i alternativnom stipu, pri čemu je osnovno merilo za objavljivanje bio (i ostao) kvalitet, što je na strip sceni dočekano s odobravanjem, baš kao i činjenica da je magazin veći broj stranica posvećivao teorijskim tekstovima o domaćem i stranom stripu, kao i ilustracijama. U jesen 2001. godine pod etiketom Strip Pressinga izašao je strip album MAKS DEBRIS, ISPOVEST PRAVOG KRIVOTVORITELJA scenarista Đorđa Milosavljevića i Marka Stojanovića i crtača Tonija Radeva, donoseći za ove prostore netipičan strip likovno i scenaristički realizovan u najboljoj tradiciji francusko-belgijske škole groteske. Album je naišao na jednodušnu podršku kritike i čitalaca, što je rezultiralo pripremom za drugi album u seriji. U rano proleće 2002, godine pojavio se drugi broj Strip Pressinga. Uređivačka politika ostala je ista, s tim što je mejnstrim dobio više prostora od alternativnog stripa, dok su mnogi propusti iz prethodnog broja ispravljeni. Veći i raznovrsniji dijapazon kvalitetnih autora mlađe generacije dobio je priliku da pokaže svoje umeće. Treći broj strip Pressinga iz štampe je izašao novembra 2002, šireći ekipu svojih saradnika proverenim i u svetu poznatim saradnicima poput Miroljuba Milutinovića Brade, uz već prepoznatljiv profil objavljenih stripova. Planovi za budućnost tiču se redovnijeg objavljivanja Strip Pressinga, kao i izdavanja autorskog albuma Nebojše Pejića sa njegovim urnebesnim adaptacijama narodnih epskih pesama posvećenih ovom junaku, dok urednički tandem Marko Stojanović i Dejan Stoiljković obećava i mnoge druge zanimljive projekte u bližoj budućnosti.

Marko Stojanović, glavni i odgovorni urednik Strip Pressinga 
Rođen 1978. u Leskovcu, diplomirao 2002. na Filozofskom fakultetu u Nišu engleski jezik i književnost. Već niz godina poznat kao jedan od najperspektivnijih strip scenarista mlađe generacije. Sarađivao sa mnoštvom crtača širom jugoslavije od kojih je najuspešnija svakako saradnja sa Tonijem Radevim na strip albumu ''Max DeBris - Ispovest pravog krivotvoritelja'' gde je uspešno zamenio prezauzetog Đorđa Milosavljevića i projekat ''Pali Anđeo'' gde je sa Dejanom Vujićem pokrenuo novi strip serijal u koji se uključilo dosta autora. Objavljivao gotovo u svim domaćim revijama i magazinima, od kojih valja izdvojiti beogradske ''Vilajet'' i ''Bager'', leskovački ''Arsenal'' i naravno, niški Strip Pressing. Osnivač leskovačke škole stripa ''Nikola Mitrović - Kokan''. Poslednjih godina svakog avgusta uspešno organizuje smotru mladih strip autora u Leskovcu, kolumnista je renomiranog internet sajta ''Strip vesti'' a u niškom akademskom listu ima dve rubrike u kojima se bavi strip esejistikom i teorijom. Odnedavno je i član redakcije beogradske ''Književne reči''.

Dejan Stojiljković, novinar i grafički dizajner, ko-urednik Strip Pressinga
Rođen 1976. u Nišu,. Radio u studentskim listovima ''Pravnik'' i ''Pressek'', gde je i prvi put objavio neke od svojih strip tabli i kaiševa. Trenutno na mestu tehničkog urednika akademskog lista Pressing u kome ima rubriku u kojoj objavljuje tekstove iz teorije stripa. Takođe honorarni saradnik na radio Nišu gde ima autorsku emisiju. Autor kaišnog (novinskog) stripa ''Vutra Storis'' objavljivanog u više navrata kako u štampanim tako i u elektronskim medijima i za sada neobjavljenog serijala ''Pantelejci protiv šerifa somine''. Redovni autor na stranama kulturnog internet portala www.trip.co.rs gde objavljuje mahom književne i muzičke recenzije i eseje na temu savremene muzike. 

Tony Radev
rođeni nišlija i jedan od retkih autora sa ovih prostora koji je uspeo da na strip sceni izgradi prepoznatljiv autorski izraz. Njegov stil nastao pod uticajem francusko belgijske škole, pre svega Frankena i Mezijera, jedinstvena je pojava u yu stripu danas. Tonijeva stripografija je velika, objavljivao u mnoštvu časopisa i magazina, radio sa Trošićem i Milosavljevićem na serijalu ''Krakov, Krakov'', sa markom Stojanovićem na ''Luki Vraniću, sa Zoranom Stojiljkovićem Kizom (crtež) i Veliborom Petkovićem (scenario) na izdanju povodom godišnjice deklaracije o pravima čoveka... Jedan je od predavača u strip školi Otvorenog Kluba Niš. Ranih devedestih stekao kultni status zahvaljujući autorskom stripu ''Moroni''. Autor je jedinog niškog strip albuma ''Max De Bris - ispovest pravog krivotvoritelja'' (scenario: Đorđe Milosavljević i Marko Stojanović) objavljenog kao specijalno izdanje Strip Pressinga. Trenutno preokupiran završavanjem studija sociologije i pregovorima oko prodaje Maksa Francuzima.  

Đorđe Milosavljević
naš poznati filmski i televizijski reditelj i scenarista iz Beograda. Pažnju filmske publike i kritike skrenuo filmovima ''Mehanizam'' i ''Točkovi'' kao i scenarijima za ''Nebesku udicu'' (režija: Ljubiša Samardžić) i ''Apsolutnih sto'' (režija: Srđan Golubović). Filmski teoretičari ga smatraju najboljim srpskim filmskim scenaristom mlađe generacije. Dugi niz godina bavio se pisanjem scenarija za stripove sarađujući sa plejadom najboljim srpskih strip crtača. Tu svakako treba izdvojiti ''Kalokagarti'', strip album nastao u saradnji sa beograđaninom Milanom Jovanovićem, objavljen sredinom devedesetih od strane ''Orbisa'' iz Beograda. Vredne pomena su i saradnje sa Miroljubom Milutinovićem Bradom (''Svindl''), Tonijem Radovim (''Krakov, Krakov'', ''Maks De Bris'') i Eugenom Slavikom (''Oklop''). trenutno se, zbog prezauzetosti radom na filmu ne bavi pisanjem scenarija za stripove ali nikad se ne zna...

Miloš Nicić
mladi autor iz Beograda, pre svega se bavi radom na ilustracijama u boji i to ne baš zahvalnom tehnikom pastela što ga čini jedinstvenim. Njegove kompjuterski prerađivane ilustracije mahom možete naći na internetu, na mnoštvu sajtova i na prezentaciji koju je sam kreirao. Jedan je od učenika Vlade Vesovića i njegove beogradske strip škole ''Đorđe Lobačev''. Uradio je naslovne strane za drugi i treći broj Strip Pressinga (''Čuvar prelaza'' i ''Bloodless'') kao i naslovnu stranu za zbirku horor priča ''Postelja od gloga'', autor je naklonjen SF o Fantasy tematici, izuzente imaginacije i interesantnih rešanja.

Tihomir Čelanović
Rođen 1979 u Kotoru. Objavljivao u ''Vilajetu'', ''Strip pressingu'', ''Bageru''... Autor naklonjen tzv. alternativnom stripu ali sa malo drugačijim pristupom mediju. Njegov crtež je jednostavan i neopterećujući, a njegove priče poetične i lirske. ''Mah'' iz Beograda mu je objavio debitantski album u boji ''Eudora - svitanjem počinje zvuk'' koji je skrenuo nemalu pažnju strip publike i stekao odlične ocene kritičara i teoretičata. Kao kuriozitet treba navesti da je ovaj album prvo objavljen u Italiji a tek onda kod nas. 

Dejan Vujić,
rođen 1979. u Beogradu, student bogoslovskog fakulteta SPC. Stripom se bavi od najranije mladosti i najpozanatiji je kao autor serijala ''Luka Vranić - pali anđeo''. Njegov karakterističan crtež kojeg odlikuju jaki crno beli kontrasti nastao je pod uticajem Majka Minjole i Branislava Kerca, a inventivna rešenja u scenarijima duguje klasičnim srpskim pripovedačima sa kraja devetnaestog i početka dvadesetog veka kao i klasicima savremenog horor žanra. Svog Luku Vranića objavljiao je u ''Vilajetu'' i ''Strip Pressingu'' a neke od uspešnijih epizoda realizovao je u saradnji sa Markom Stojanovićem kao scenaristom. Dobitnik je nagrade za scenario na leskovačkim strip susretima 2001.

Dušan Cvetković,
rođen 1979 u Nišu, vodeći je niški underground autor. Već dugi niz godine uz povremeno asistiranje nekih kolega, samostalno radi i objavljuje undergroun fanzin ''Autist'', objavljivao je u studntskom listu ''Pravnik'' (serijal o ''Mat Ban''-u) i Strip Pressingu. U saradnji sa Markom Stojanovićem uradio jednu epizodu Luke Vranića. Jedan je od autora izložbe stripa u paviljonu u niškoj tvrđavi avgusta 2002.

Milisav Banković,
rođen je 1980. u Beogradu. Pohađao Leskovačku školu stripa »Nikola Mitrović Kokan«, objavljivao u listovima Naša Reč, Đački zabavnik, Arsenal, Pressing, a takođe je stalni saradnik Strip Presinga. Bavi se animacijom, ilustracijom, stripom i dizajnom. Svoj grafički izraz formira pod uticajem japanskog stripa, Mange. Trenutno se nalazi na četvrtoj godini studija Japanskog jezika u Beogradu. 

Dejan Sedlan,
živi u Novom Sadu, gde se bavi slikarstvom i stripom. U poslednjih par godina značajno je uključen u projekat »Luka Vranić-Pali Anđeo«. Objavljivao je u slovenačkom Stripburgeru, Bumerangu i Strip Pressingu.

Miroljub Milutinović Brada
jedan je od crtački najkompetentijih autora Jugoslovenskog stripa danas. Sa scenaristom Đorđem Milosavljevićem za strip magazin Tron realizovao je serijal Svindl, a za Megatron je sa istim scenaristom započeo album Olovno doba. U svojoj dugoj karijeri stripove je objavljivao u Tronu, Megatronu, Strip Maniji i brojnim časopisima okrenutim deci, a ilustrovao je i više knjiga Kreativnog centra. Trenutno za Francusku izdavačku kuću Glenat privodi kraju prvi album u seriji Expert, sarađujući sa scenaristom Frankom Žiruom. Pomenuti album u svakom slučaju predstavlja krunu njegovog dosadašnjeg rada i pokazuje koliko je Brada uspešno inkorporirao lekcije francusko-belgijskog stripa u svoj likovni izraz.

Nebojša Pejić
rođen je 1979. u Novom Sadu, gde i danas živi i privodi kraju studirnje Likovne akademije. Njegov talenat toliko je razgranat da ga je teško makar i rečima zarobiti u određenu granu likovne umetnosti, pošto ga njegova prirodna radoznalost nagoni da se (s uspehom) okuša u najrazličitijim oblastima. Njegov serijal kratkih stripova o epskom junaku Marku Kraljeviću pokazuje promišljeno iščitavanje naše autohtone epske poezije kroz današnju, nama ništa manje autohtonu, urbanu vizuru. Urnebesne adaptacije potpomognute su njegovim specifičnim crtežom kome se šarm ne može poreći i koji večito igra na ivici alternativnog i mejnstrim stripa.

Jovan Ukropina
živi u Beogradu, gde studira Višu politehničku školu. Ukropina je svojevremeno pohađao školu stripa Vlade Vesovića »Đorđe Lobačev«, a njegov grafizam na tragu je savremenom francusko-belgijskom stripu. Objavljivao je u Strip Vilajetu, Pressingu i Strip Presingu, a trenutno sa scenaristom Markom Stojanovićem realizuje serijal krakih priča delimično inspirisanih Slovenskom mitologijom. Od ovog mladog autora se s pravom očekuje da tek budućnosti u potpunosti pokaže svoj talent.

Strip Presing is a special edition of the Nis student magazine “Pressing”, which is published by Students’ Information and Publishing Center of Nis. The first issue of “Strip Pressing” saw the light at the beginning of summer 2001, bringing the work of mainly young and/or not yet recognized authors from Nis and other parts of Yugoslavia as well to the public. The magazine has left its pages open equally for mainstream and alternative cartoon, and the main standard for publishing has been the quality. This was welcomed on the cartoon scene, as well as the fact that the magazine has dedicated a large number of pages to the theoretical texts about domestic and foreign cartoon and illustration. In the autumn of 2001, under the label of Strip Pressing, the cartoon album MAKS DEBRIS, THE CONFESSION OF THE REAL FORGER, was published by scenarists Djordje Milosavljevic and Marko Stojanovic and author Toni Radev. This event brought to this part of the world the non typical cartoon realized in the best tradition of French-Belgian school of grotesque. The album met a unanimous support of the critics and readers alike, which resulted in preparation of the second sequel of the serial. In the early spring of 2002, the second issue of Strip Pressing was published. The editorial policy stayed the same while the mainstream got more space than the alternative cartoon and the omissions from the first issue were corrected. A larger and more varied spectrum of young authors of quality got the chance to show their skill. The third issue of Strip Pressing got out of the press in November 2002, widening the team of the contributors with renowned and worldwide known figures such as Miroljub Milutinovic Brada, with already recognizable profile of the published cartoons. Our plans for the future are concerned with a more regular publishing of Strip Pressing, as well as Nebojsa Pejic’s authorial album with his hilarious adaptation of the epic poems dedicated to his hero, while the tandem, Marko Stojanovic and Dejan Stoiljkovic promises many other interesting projects in the near future.

Marko Stojanovic, editor-in-chief of “Strip Pressing”
He was born in 1978 in Leskovac, and graduated in 2002 at University of Nis, Department of English language and literature.
For several years now he is known to be one of the most perspective comic scenario writers of young generation.
Collaborated with many drawers in Yugoslavia, among witch most successfully with Toni Radev on comic album “Max De Bris – Ispovest pravog krivotvoritelja”, where he successfully stood for occupied Djordje Milosavljevic. In project called “Pali andjeo” with Dejan Vujic he created a new comic serial that latter involved many authors. He published in almost all Yugoslav reviews and magazines, among that are “Vilajet” and “Bager” (Belgrade), “Arsenal” (Leskovac) and, of course, “Strip Pressing” (Nis). He is a founder of Leskovac comic school “Nikola Mitrovic - Kokan”. During the last few years he successfully organises meeting of young comic authors in Leskovac “Leskovacki strip susreti”, work as a columnist of well-known Internet site “Comic news” and has two rubrics in Nis academy newsletter where he deals with comic essays and theory. Recently is a member of redaction of “Knjizevna rec” in Belgrade.

Dejan Stojiljkovic, journalist and graphic designer, co-editor of Strip Pressing
He was born in 1976 in Nis. Worked in student newspapers “Pravnik” and “Pressek”, where he, for the first time, published some of his comic sheets and strips. Currently is in position of technical editor of academy newsletter Pressing, where he published texts from the field of comic theory. Also works at Nis radio and leading his own show. He is also author of strip (newspaper) comic “Vutra Storis” that was in several occasions published in press as well as in electronic media, and up to now unpublished serial “Pantelejci protiv serifa somine”. Regular author that can be found on cultural portal web page www.strip.co.rs, where he publishes mainly literature and music reviews and essays about contemporary music.

Tony Radev
Born in Nis, Toni is one of the rare authors that managed to form its own stile on Yugoslav comic scene. Hi formed his stile under influences of Franco-Belgian school, most of all Franken and Messier, and it is an unique in Yugoslav comic today. Tony’s work is abundant, he published in many newsletters and magazines, worked with Trosic and Milosavljevic on “Krakov, Krakov” serial, with Marko Stojanovic on “Luka Vranic”, with Zoran Kiza Stojiljkovic (drawing) and Velibor Petkovic (scenario) on the issue for the anniversary of human rights declaration. He is one of the lectures on the comic school of the Nis Open club. During early nineties he became cult drawer thank to his author’s work “Moroni”. He is also an author of Nis’s only comic album “Max De Bris – Ispovest pravog krivotvoritelja” (scenario of Djordje Milosavljevic and Marko Stojanovic), published as a special edition of “Strip Pressing”. Currently finishing sociology studies and negotiating about selling “Max” in France.

Djordje Milosavljevic
He is our famous film and TV director and scenario writer form Belgrade. He got into focus of audience by its films “Mehanizam” and “Tockovi”, as well as by scenarios for films “Nebeska udica” (director: Ljubisa Samardzic) and “Apsolutnih sto” (director: Srdjan Golubovic). Film theorists speak of him as of the best Serbian scenario writers of younger generation. For many years he wrote scenarios for comics, working with the best Serbian comic drawers. Here we should mention “Kalokagarti”, comic album made in collaboration with Milan Jovanovic from Belgrade, that was published during the mid nineties by “Obris”. Collaborations with Miroljub Milutinovic Brada (“Svindl”), Toni Radov (“Krakov, Krakov”, “Max De Bris”) and Eugen Slavik (“Oklop) should also be mentioned. Currently, due to its over occupation by film, he does not write comic scenarios, but … you never know.

Milos Nicic
He is a young author from Belgrade. He primarily deals with colour illustrations in pastel technique, what makes him unique. His illustrations, modified on computer, can mostly be found on many Internet sites and on presentation that he made for himself. He is one of Vlada Vesovic’s students in his Belgrade comic school “Djordje Lobacev”. He did front covers for second and third edition of “Strip Pressing” (“Cuvar prelaza” i “Bloodless”), as well as the cover for horror stories collection “Postelja od gloga”. He is interested in SF and Fantasy thematic, has an outstanding imagination and interesting solutions.

Tihomir Celanovic
He was born in 1979 in Kotor. Published in “Vilajet”, “Strip Pressing”, “Bager”, etc. He deals with, so-called, alternative comic but with a slightly different approach to the medium. His drawing are simple and not demanding, and his stories are poetical and lyrical. “Mah” (Belgrade) published his debut colour album “Eudora – svitanjem pocinje zvuk” that got significant attention of comic book public as well as the critics. As a curiosity it should be mentioned that this album was primarily published in Italy and than in Yugoslavia.

Dejan Vujic
He was born in 1979 in Belgrade, and is a student at religious faculty SPC. He deals with comic since his early age and is best known as the author of comic “Luka Vranic – pali andjeo”. His characteristic drawing has a sever black and white contrast, formed under influence of Mike Mignola and Branislav Kerac. His inventive scenario solutions he owns to classical Serbian writers from the end of nineteenth and the beginning of twentieth century, as well as the classics of contemporary horror genre. His “Luka Vranic” was published in “Vilajet” and “Strip Pressing” and some of its episodes were made in collaboration with Marko Stojanovic as a scenario writer. He is the winner of Scenario award at “Leskovacki strip susreti” in 2001.

Dusan Cvetkovic
He was born in 1979 in Nis, and is a leading underground author. For many years, with occasional assistance of some colleagues, he publishes underground funzine “Artist”. He also published at student newsletter “Pravnik” (“Mat Ban” serial) and “Strip Pressing”. In collaboration with Marko Stojanovic he did one of the episodes in “Luka Vranic”. He is also one of the authors of comic exhibition in Nis fortress pavilion, that was held in August of 2002.

Milisav Bankovic
was born in Belgrade in 1980. He went to School for Strip Cartoonists “Nikola Mitrovic Kokan” in Leskovac, and has published his work in magazines “Nasa Rec” , “Djacki  zabavnik”, “Arsenal”, “Pressing” and is a regular contributor to “Strip Presing”. He is engaged in animation, illustration, strip cartoons and design. His graphical expression is formed under the influence of Japanese cartoon, Manga. He is currently on the fourth year of the Japanese language studies in Belgrade.

Dejan Sedlan
lives in Novi Sad, where he works as a painter and cartoonist. He has been involved significantly in the project “Luka Vranic – The Fallen Angel” for the last couple of years. He has published his work in Slovenian magazine “Stripburger”, “Bumerang” and “Strip Pressing”.

Miroljub Milutinovic Brada
is one of the most competent strip cartoon authors on the Yugoslav cartoon scene today.  Together with the scenarist Djordje Milosavljevic he realized the serial “Svindl” for the magazine “Tron” and for “Megatron” also with Djordje Milosavljevic he started the album “Lead Age”. During his long career he has published his cartoons in “Tron”, “Megatron”, “Strip Mania” and in a number of children oriented magazines, and he has illustrated many books published by “Kreativni Centar”. Currently he is bringing to an end the first album of the serial “Expert” for the French publishing house “Glenat” collaborating with the scenarist Frank Gireau. The album, by all means, presents the crown jewel of his work so far and shows how successfully Brada has incorporated the lessons in French and Belgian Cartoon into his artistic expression.

Nebojsa Pejic
was born in Novi Sad in 1979, where he still lives and is finishing his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts. His talent is so diversified that it is difficult to capture it using words into any specific field of art, since his innate curiosity drives him into experimenting, successfully, in different art forms. His serial of short strip cartoons about the epic hero Marko Kraljevic shows his thought-out reading of the autochthonous epic poetry through modern, less autochthonous, urban point of view. The hilarious adaptations are supported by his specific drawings, whose charm cannot be denied and who keeps flirting on the edge of alternative and mainstream cartoon.

Jovan Ukropina
lives in Belgrade where he is at the Politechnics School. Ukropina used to attend Vlada Vesovic’s “Djordje Lobocov” cartoon school, and his graphism is following in the footsteps of the modern French Belgian Cartoon. He has published his work in “Strip Vilajet”, “Pressing” and “Strip Presing” and is currently involved in the serial of short stories inspired by Slavic mythology, with the scenarist Marko Stojanovic. He is rightfully expected to show the full capacity of his talent in the future.

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