Š K R S T I Ć Miloš
Krstić je diplomirao na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti - Odsek
kompozicija u Beogradu, a usavršavao se na Centro De
Investigacion Ydesarallo da la Musica Cubana u Havani 1990.
Završio je Majstorsku akademiju na Illinois University At
Edwardswille-u 1995. Specijalista za be-bop, swing, blues i
afro-cuban. Komponovao je diptih za simfonijski orkestar
Introdukcija i alegro, solo pesme i horsku svitu na stihove
Vaska Pope, svitu za klavir Veliki crnac , kompozicije za
Veliki jazz orkestar Mike by Moonlight i više desetina
kompozicija za mali jazz orkestar.
Svirao je sa mnogim Jazz-ansamblima: Teddy Edwards
Quartet, Alvin Queen Quartet, Be-Bop Buffers Of Arizona, Leo
Wright Quartet, Hannes Beckman Quartet, Gut-Marković sextet,
Zagrebački jazz quintet, Ivan Švager
sextet... Održao
je veliki broj samostalnih koncerata u skoro svim
evro-gradovima, kao i u Americi , nastupio na značajnim
festivalima: Hag , Drezden, Havana, Prag, Hanover, Sofija,
Segedin, Istambul, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Bled, Skoplje, Novi Sad,
Beograd... Objavio
je knjige: Jazz praktikum (1986, `87. i `91.) Top Bird
(1989) Dobitnik je nagrade na Anual Music Conference 1988.
(Tucson, Arizona) U
saradnji sa Alvin Queen-om, Clark Terry-em, Tonny Scott-om,
Stjepkom Gutom, Mišom Blamom, Big Band-om RTS-a i dr. snimio
preko 20 ploča.
“Miloš je izuzetan jazz umetnik, koji je obavio
magistarske studije pod mojim mentorstvom. Miloš je takođe
pokazao edukativne sposobnosti studirajući američku istoriju
jazza. On je pročitao svaku dostupnu knjigu u vezi sa tim,
takođe je sakupio široku kolekciju članaka iz časopisa i
novina. On je sakupio i izuzetnu fonoteku i vrhunski poznaje
sve aspekte te fonoteke.”
....Breett Stamps, direktor jazz
programa ....Univerziteta
Južni Ilinoi
“Miloš je jedan od muzičara za koga smatram da je
izvođač, pisac i nastavnik najvećeg kalibra. Njegovo
poznavanje istorije američkog jaza je enciklopedijsko i knjige
koje je napisao i snimci koje je napravio svrstvaju ga u
gornji ešalon istraživača i izvođača …”
Dr Jerry Troxell, profesor
muzike Univerziteta Sens Luis
“Gospodin Krstić je dostigao visok nivo kompetencije.
Njegov pedigre nije samo izvođački, već edukativno-izvođački.
To znači da on nije samo jazz pijanista, već je autoritet za
istoriju i kritiku ove umetničke forme.”
Dr Stephen Brown, profesor
muzike Univerziteta Južni
Kada sam se latio krupnog zalogaja pisanja ove knjige
trudio sam se da tokom dve godine rada na njoj nađem kompromis
među delikatnim izazovima na koje sam nailazio. S jedne strane
bilo je to suočavanje sa prozaičnim pitanjem koliko ću naći
običnih čitalaca ukoliko budem usko stručno ulazio u materiju
sa notnim primerima, koji odvraćaju, a sa druge strane
izbegavanje površnosti i rasplinjavanja koje mi ionako nije
svojstveno…. Kod
objektivnog izbora istorijskih ličnosti važno je bilo ne
zaobići one ključne, smestiti ih na odgovarajuće mesto, dati
pojedincu prostor koji je pažljivo izbalansiran, prema
njegovom značaju sa ostalima, i opisati ga na način koji će
održati pažnju čitaoca do kraja.
Birao sam i odmeravao reči da ne bih zamaglio
istorijsku istinu i nastojao da svoju malenkost džentlmenski
ostavim po strani gde god je to bilo moguće. Zahvaljujem se na
ovom mestu svima onima koji su mi u nedostatku pisanih i
snimljenih eksponata o domaćoj sceni usmeno osvetlili period
do 60-tih godina 20. veka čiji ja nisam neposredni
(Milos Krstić).... |

S K R S T I C Milos Krstic graduated from
the Music Faculty, Department of Composition in Belgrade and
received his advanced training at Centro De Investagacion
Ydesarallo da la Musica Cubana in Havana in 1990. He graduated
from the Master Academy in Illinois University at Edwardswille
in 1995. He is a specialist for be bop, swing, blues and
Afro-Cuban music. He has written the diptih
for symphonic orchestra Introduction and Allegro, solo songs
and choir suite on the verses of Vasko Popa, suite for the
piano Veliki Crnac, compositions for the big jazz orchestra
Mike by Moonlight and tenths of compositions for the small
jazz orchestra. He has played with many
jazz bands: Teddy Edward’s Quartet, Alvin Queen Quartet,
Be/Bop Buffers of Arizona, Leo Wright Quartet, Hannes Beckman
Quartet, Gut-Markovic sextet, Zagreb jazz quintet, Ivan Svager
sextet ... He has held a number of solo concerts in almost all
euro-cities, as well as in America, participated at
significant festivals: Haag, Dresden, Havana, Prague, Hanover,
Sofia, Szeged, Istambul, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Bled, Skoplje,
Novi Sad, Belgrade... He published books: Jazz
Praktikum ( 1986, 87, and 91) Top Bird (1989).
He received
awards at Annual Music Conference in 1988. (Tuscon,
Arizona). In cooperation with Alvin Queen, Clark Terry, Tonny
Scott, Stjepko Gut, Misa Blam. RTS Big Band and so on he has
made over 20 records.
“Milos is a
remarkable jazz musician whose mentor I was at his
postgraduate studies. Milos also showed his educational talent
studying American jazz history. He has read every available
book about it and also put together a wide collection of
newspaper and magazine articles. He has made a significant
disc collection and knows all aspect of it.
Breett Stamps, Jazz Programme Director at the
University of South Illinois
“Milos is a
musician I consider to be a performer, a writer and a teacher
of the biggest caliber. His knowledge of the American jazz
history is encyclopedic and his books and the recordings he
has made place him in the top rank of researchers and
Ph.D. Jerry Troxell, Music Professor
at the University
of Sent Lois
“Mr Krstic has
achieved a high competence level. His pedigree is not only the
one of a performer but it is also educational. It means he is
not only a jazz pianist but he stands as an authority for
history and criticism of this art form.
Ph.D. Stephen Brown, Music Professor
at the University
of South Illinois
“When I took up
the momentous task of writing this book I tried to find a
compromise between the delicate challenges I came across
during the two years I spent working on it. On one side I was
facing the prosaic question of how many ordinary readers I
would reach if I approach the subject matter from the narrow
professional point of view with musical notations that can
turn them away, and on the other side I tried to avoid
superficiality and becoming carried away, which is not in my
nature any way... With the objective choice
of historical figures it was very important not to leave out
the key ones, to give them their rightful place, give each
individual space that was carefully balanced considering the
others, and describe them in such a way that will keep the
readers’ attention until the end. I chose and weighed words
in an attempt not to cloud the historical truth and tried to
leave my own little self aside gentlemanly wherever it was
possible. Here I would like to thank all of those who shed
some light on the period before the 60s on the domestic scene,
of which I had no written or recorded exhibits available and I
have not experienced it personally neither”.
(Milos Krstic).... |