Thursday, 16th November, 4pm
Cultural Centre of Novi Sad, Club “Tribina mladih”
Friday, 17th November, 4pm
Studio for art integral improvisation Vladimir Labat Rovnjev, Popovica
Workshop led by: Jasna Jovićević, saxophone and Uroš Šećerov, percussions
The unconventional formation of jazz duo is increasingly popular among improvisers. Free music form, improvised music, is a more recent genre in jazz, and as a result of the musical freedom, instrumentation, that is, instrument settings are diverse.
UrošŠećerov- drums, andJasnaJovićević- saxophones, bassclarinet andspacedrum, are a domestic free form duo.
The Jazz Duo Worksop will focus on the possibilities, combinations, instrumentation, improvisational elements and rules that are to be followed or disregarded, following intuitive reactions and immediate composition. Free form does not mean everybody can play whatever they like. It is the ultimate form of jazz music, where musicians choose music elements depending on the moment.
The first day of the Workshop is reserved for introductions and theoretical part of the duo music improvisation and practice, while on the second day, the students will have an opportunity to experience the new, innovative instruments of Vladimir Labat, in free form.
More about the project at:

Born in Subotica, Jasna Jovićević (Serbia) graduated from the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, in the Department of Jazz Saxophone and earned her Master Degree in Composition from the York University in Toronto. She also studied in the United States, Brazil and Austria. The winner of the first prize in the International Ethno Music Competition in Milan, the second prize in the International Balkan Art Festival in Ljubljana, as well as the third prize in the Hungarian Jazz Federation’s Best Jazz Composition Competition, Jasna was chosen to represent Serbia and Montenegro at the 12th European Biennial of Young Artists in 2005 in Napoli, as well as the 2016 Festival of Cultural Centres “Jazzycolors” in Paris. She has played with renowned musicians in Hungary, all over Europe and in Canada. She spent several years on study trips in New York, Banff, San Francisco, Spain and Italy. In 2008 she released her debut album with original compositions and arrangements “Invented Reality” with prominent musicians from the local scene of Toronto; in 2013 the album “Sound of Birds”; and in 2015 “Travellers” with her band DharmA in Serbia; in 2017 with “Live” with the New Spark Jazz Orchestra, a female regional band whose founder and leader she is. Her new album with the JasnaJovićević Sextet – “Flow Vertical”, one of the first results of her exploration in the field of “conscious improvisation”, is to be released by the end of this year.
In the last ten years, Jasna has been active in education as a teacher of flute, saxophone, music theory and history, methodology, vocal-instrumental classes on the high school and university level. She is currently employed as a teacher at the Higher Vocational School in Subotica.
Jasna has performed throughout Europe and in South and North America with various projects and prominent artists. After 16 years, she returned to Serbia in 2008, where she works and plays with renowned domestic artists (VasilHadžimanov, BiseraVeletanlić, Rambo Amadeus, Boris Kovač, etc.),working also with her authorial music groupImprovKolektivsince 2009. In 2013, she started the project Dharma, in 2015 a duo with GabrielaKoso, followed by the first regional female orchestra- New Spark Jazz Orchestra still active today. ( ). Her sextetwas founded in 2016 and their album is to be released this year.
Having been educated in India, Slovenia and Italy as a hatha yoga instructor, she completed education for an operational yoga instructor in Serbia, and runs the yoga centre“Iskrajoga” in Subotica. She specializes in Nada yoga – yoga that employs sound frequency as its main tool.
She is also the author and leader of artistic and educational projects for children and contemporary art through the NGO Citizens’ Association “Artrust”, whose president she is. The most notable among her projects are “Mjuziklaža”, “ImprovKolektiv International Music Residency”, “12 Tons of Music” and “Sound of Birds”, , She leads educational and artist projects with the support of the European Cultural Foundation, Ministry of Culture, BalakanaArt & Culture Fund, SIDA, Provincial Secretariat of Culture and many others.

Uroš Šećerov was born in Novi Kneževac in 1956. He founded his first band with his neighbourhood friends while he was still in primary school. His later musical experience and development was associated with famous Vojislav Brković (Voya Bee).In 1976 he had his first public concert in Studio “M” of Radio Novi Sad. His professional career started with the Dance Orchestra of RTV (Radio Television of Vojvodina), where he played for many years. He was a regular guest of the RTV Ljubljana and RTV Belgrade Big Bands.
The formative and defining years of his career were marked by quality creative work, excellent professional relationships and collaboration with musicians such as: Bubiša Simić, Zvonimir Skerl, Milivoj Marković, Lazar Tošić, Mimo Mitrović, Slobodan Marković, Ratko Divjak, Petar Ugrin, JozaPrivšek, Tone Janša, Lado Jakše, Dani Gančev, Wolfgang Reisinger Beat Fuerer, Robert Riegler, Oliver Gattringer, Laurinha Bandeira, Mitar Subotić Suba, Milan Mladenović, Voki Kostić, Miša Blam, Stejpko Gut, Mikan Zlatković, Rudolf Tomišič.
In the project called“Lala Balkans Impressions”he played with the legends such as: Lala Kovačev, Bora Roković, Vojin Draškoci, Vlatko Stefanovski, Goce Dimitrovski, The Feat Sejdić Orchestra, Paganke…
As an already established percussionist, Uroš met the world legend Tony Scott, with whom he collaborated extensively over a two-year period. Working and being friends with him brought Uroš huge experience and defined his musical aesthetics.
He has played with the legend of world renown, Dusko Goykovich, in his All-Star Big Band and recorded a CD entitled “Handsfull of Soul”. His collaboration with Brad Leali, Tomonao Hara, Peter King, Vito Giordano, Michael Lutzeier, Phil Abraham, Manuel Rocheman, Auwi Geyer, Butch Kellemand Branko Pejaković dates from this period.
Since 2014 he has been working with the famous violin player Roby Lakatosand theband “GYASS”, touring and recording a CD with them.
The forty-year-long creative cooperation, musical experimentation and improvisation with multi-media artist and sculptor Labat Rovnjev takes a special segment in Uroš’ development, work and composing.They have had a number of joint performances at concerts, exhibitions, artistic events… In 1979 Labat and Uroš recorded an LP album focusing on the environmental protection and preservation. It is officially the first environmental LP album in the world. In this segment of his activities he has collaborated with Vuk Kulenović, Zoran Hristić and many other artists.
Studio for art integral improvisation Vladimir Labat Rovnjev, Popovica
The first ‟Acoustic Sculptures Labat”, abbreviated to ASL, were made back in the 1970s. Their appearance invited a creative spiritual-experimental playing music on them, called SVAROMFAL (THE LIGHT OF THE CORE)…
Over the time, playing music on ASL sculptures and creating new ones gave birth to improvised vocal-instrumental musical pieces that found their place in a number of music scores of internationally renowned composers and performers.
The very way of creating – playing music on the stage – isa rounded-up whole which is an authentic form of multi-media performance art…
Through playing music and making new forms of instruments improvised vocal-instrumental musical pieces are created, which introduce individuals and groups with a new way of understanding music. Performers become virtuosos of improvisations, creating unusual spiritual wholes of sonic, infrasonic and aliquotic music content….

Who is Vladimir LabatRovnjev?
He was born. He grew up. He has been changing. He has been changing his opinion. He has become an artist of a rather complex biography – sculptor, painter, musician… A point in all and above all. Some say he is a Renaissance man. He is a man who believes in the ideas of knowledge, communion, loyalty, chivalry…