from 7th to 12th NOVEMBER

Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, 33 Kosovska Str.


Programme moderated by Artistic Director:

Jasna Jovićević, saxophones, bass clarinet, composition

Artists in Residence:

Ksawery Wójciński, double bass (Poland)

Szilveszter Miklós, drums (Hungary-Serbia)


8th November

The open workshop for percussionists and double bassists, moderated by Szilveszter Miklós and Ksawery Wójciński is dedicated to all percussionists of classical and jazz music, double bassists and violoncellists, interested in development of improvisation and methods of playing in rhythm section. Darko Karlečik, Assistant Professor of percussion instruments of the Academy of Music, will also participate and mediate during the work.


9th November

The workshop is open for all instrumentalists who are interested in the basics of improvisation, methods of transforming written music into improvisation. The workshop is moderated by saxophonist and composer Jasna Jovićević.


10th November

Open rehearsal for all interested in the group’s work